Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher ~ A.R. Penck

Late Bloomer

30th October ~ 8th November 2020

A lot has been written about drawing. From these writings I have the feeling I read something once that said the discipline of drawing is the one most connected to the brain and to the creation and representation of thoughts. Maybe, if painting is bodily, drawing is mental. If painting can move us, maybe through drawings we can be transported, as it happens with a good novel.

Although this exhibition is not an exhibition about the medium of drawing, it is an exhibition only composed of drawings, and it maybe shows the different stages drawings can take. The drawings of A.R. Penck function as a synthesis of what his practice was, working in different mediums such as painting or sculpture. The simple figure made out of sticks and a circle in front of it. Might this be the world? Or the void? On the other hand we have the collaborative drawings of Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher (Late Bloomer) that are realised in the context of a graphic novel, of the same name, to be published during the show. These drawings function as an orchard for the publication. Some of them are in it, some of them are made to think about it and some of them are just independent works that were perhaps done to spend time and release some energy.
The style and the history of the works are very different in the two positions, but both use the medium to search for and build an identity, a way to relate to the world. The drawings of Penck, made at the age of 19 in the early stages of the construction of his artistic identity can relate to the drawings of B, the character of Late Bloomer, who is first introduced here and will evolve in upcoming chapters. Drawings that prepare us for something, that project us to a future. With A.R. Penck we already know, with Late Bloomer, we will wait expectantly.

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. B's Room 1 ~ Ballpoint on paper
Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. B's Room 2 ~ Ballpoint on paper

A.R.Penck, 1958. Untitled ~ Ballpoint on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Late Bloomer (Braids & Hair) ~ Ballpoint and pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. I am ‘B’ ~ Pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. At the Bus Stop ~ Pencil on paper

A.R.Penck, 1958. Untitled ~ Ballpoint on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Portrait of B ~ Charcoal on paper
Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Portrait of Florentin ~ Charcoal on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. L ~ Ballpoint on paper
Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. B ~ Ballpoint on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Avocado Eyes ~ Ink on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Monolog I ~ Pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Monolog II ~ Pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Monolog III ~ Pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Falling in Mid-Air ~ Pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Inside Human ~ Pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. Inner World, Outer World ~ Pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. B, the Orchid ~ Pencil on paper

Josefina Anjou and Niklas Büscher, 2020. World, Me ~ Pencil on paper
Magersfonteinstraat 12, 1092XW Amsterdam