Alex Bag ~ Marguerite Duras ~ Dora García ~ Callisto McNulty

Tilde Film Club

9th October 2021 ~ 14th November 2021

When I started Tilde a couple of years ago I wanted it to be a place where I could experiment, a place where I could change things as much as possible and where I could play with the ideas of what an exhibition space is. Each exhibition has been different and so it is the space. Tilde looked like a teenager's room in the last show. Other times it looked more like a painting gallery and other times it looked like the living room of Marja Bloem and Seth Siegelaub, with art from their collection. For some months I have been thinking I wanted to do an exhibition where the audience could come to see one artist's movie. One movie at the time, and make a cycle of 3 or 4 works stretched through these dark months, where I would receive you with a warm beverage and a nice couch and you can watch a work. Different than in a museum and different than if you would see it on your laptop.

The premises were simple, but it is usually with such a simple start that things get complicated. What type of movies would I select? How could I still make emphasis on Tilde being an exhibition space, and not a cinema? I thought about inviting a painter, but then it would be a pity that these paintings would be seen in half darkness, as some of the movies would be projected. So, no painters, only video this time. But, which videos, why these movies and not other ones? Well, again, I tried to find a thread, or to create one, but then I realised that I have arrived at a moment where I enjoy Tilde being a very personal space, a space where I do not have to over explain and justify my actions. These films are films I have seen or films I wanted to see and then share them with you. Simple again.

Tilde Film Club shows the works of Alex Bag, Marguerite Duras, Dora García and Callisto McNulty, some of them for the first time in The Netherlands. These movies are to be seen as movies, or that is my plan, as most of them are above 50 minutes long. From the hilarious and poignant aucto fictional portrait of an art student by Alex Bag to the long journey along the Seine in Paris by Marguerite Duras, where she reads a letter to a loved one that speaks of war, of death, of starvation, of concentration camps... a personal history. Dora Garcia offers another portrait, in this case a group one of a book club dedicated to James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, a society made up of students, admirers and connoisseurs of what is often said to be “the most difficult book in the world”. They have been reading a book together for thirty years showing the pleasures afforded by reading and, more specifically, by reading together. Last but not least the documentary film by Callisto McNulty about the life and work of Delphine Seyrig and Carole Roussopoulos who in the mid-1970s began making videos devised as political interventions to champion the struggle of women. In the 70's they used video as a tool for political action, allowing not only women to document their struggles but also to provide a space for expression for those who were usually reduced to silence.
10 ~ 12 Dec: Marguerite Duras
Aurélia Steiner (Melbourne)
35 mins

13 ~ 19 Dec: Callisto McNulty

Delphine et Carole, insoumuses
70 mins

14 ~ 16 Jan: Dora García
The Joycean Society
53 mins

17 ~ 23 Jan: Alex Bag
Untitled Fall '95
57 min

24 ~ 30 Jan:  Marguerite Duras
Aurélia Steiner (Melbourne)
35 mins

31 Jan ~ 6 Feb: Callisto McNulty
Delphine et Carole, insoumuses
70 mins

7 ~ 13 Feb: Dora García
The Joycean Society
53 mins

14 ~ 20 Feb: Alex Bag
Untitled Fall '95
57 min

Magersfonteinstraat 12, 1092XW Amsterdam